Learning from home during school closures

Children and young people will need time to adapt to this unusual time with no school and lots of time indoors. Although it is important for them to continue studying, it is also important to give them time to adjust to what is happening around them.#covid19 #coronavirus

Many schools will be assigning online work for learning everyday; check in with your child to see how they are finding this, they may need your help. There are also plenty of online resources such as BBC Bitesize for them to look at if they want to try something new. However, being pushed into a strict and intense study programme will be overwhelming.

Please remind them to keep learning as well as doing things they enjoy. They could make their own timetable with slots for exercise, reading, lunch and hobbies like cooking or drawing to keep them busy and simulated through the day.
#homeschooling #schoolclosures #lockdown