Everything You Need To Know About Our Summer School 2022

Success4All Summer School is back for 2022. Photograph by Success4All
Thanks to funding from Newcastle Best Summer Ever, Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland and The Barbour Foundation; we are pleased to announce that we will be running our Summer School over the 2022 summer holidays.
Location: Carnegie Building, Atkinson Road, Newcastle, NE4 8XS.
Times: 8:30/9 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday
Weeks available:
Monday 1st to Friday 5th August
Monday 15th to Friday 19th August
Monday 22nd to Friday 26th August
How To Register
There is a limit to how many children we can have per week. Filling in the registration form DOES NOT guarantee your child(ren) a place. You will only be able to register your children for 1 week.
Our online registration form is now open. Please use this link below.
Once all spaces have been filled, we will open a waiting list form.
Once you have completed the registration form, you will receive an automatic email saying that your registration has been received, this email is NOT a confirmation of your child(ren)’s place.
Someone from Success4All will get in touch via email to confirm your child’s place and send information on how to pay your deposit. Only when your deposit is received will your child’s place be secured.
We aim to have all deposits returned by the end of August or sooner through PayPal or Bank transfer.
We want our Summer School to always be accessible to as many families as possible, which is why our Summer School is FREE.
Sadly, each year we find it harder and harder to get funding to run our Summer School.
So this year, on the registration form there are 4 pricing options for you to choose from, which can help us ensure we continue to run our Summer School:
- Free Place – deposit of £5 per child
- Paid place of £5 per child – will not need to pay a deposit
- Pay What You Can (below £5) – deposit may still be required
- Pay What You Can (above £5) – will not need to pay a deposit
Places will not be allocated depending on the payment choice you make.
Registration & Place Allocation
This year, we are increasing the number of available weekly places from 36 to 40. Places will roughly be split evenly between over and under 8’s.
The registration form goes live from today, Thursday 14th July at 6 pm, and will close at 9 am on Monday 18th July.
Registration received after this time will be placed on a waiting list.
Every year the level of Summer School registrations we receive is higher than the available places, We continue to offer places on a first-serve basis, however, priority will be given to families:
- with children on Free School Meals
- on Universal Credit
- with refugee or asylum seeker status
- with single-parent households
- living within certain areas of Newcastle, Gateshead and North Tyneside
Please note, that 10% of places are reserved for children of staff and volunteers.