The Learning Bus visits Northumberland Street
What a great day we had on Northumberland Street!
Our Learning bus was out to meet you all in the centre of town on May 5th 2019.
The public was able to take a look around our newly converted double decker Learning Bus. Downstairs we have our café lounge area where people can relax as well as work. The tables have plenty of storage in them so we can neatly pack away any projects children are working on for our next session.

The café lounge was a great place to chat will all those who hopped on board about what Success4All can offer you: volunteering opportunities, support for 8-18 year olds in their education, or partnerships with schools and community organisations who would like to work with us and the Learning Bus.
Upstairs, there were interactive demos of STEM activities about sound! We experimented with different materials to measure how changing one variable made a difference to the sound created.
Whilst on the bus, you could also try coding to present a message to the scrolling screen at the front of the Learning Bus.

It was great meeting you all!